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Growing Greener

Feb 22, 2023

Horticultural Educator Carol Reese explains why feeding your garden in springtime with a “complete” fertilizer can be a mistake, and describes a “lazy” style of gardening that can help heal the environment while drastically reducing your work.

Feb 15, 2023

Plant explorers, once the rock stars of the horticultural world, have suffered a loss of status as gardeners turn to native plants.  Listen to plant explorer extraordinaire Panayoti Kelaidis of the Denver Botanic Gardens discuss why his quest is still important to making our gardens more sustainable, as well as...

Feb 8, 2023

Gratify your Indiana Jones fantasies by joining the Plant Conservation Volunteers.   Your work will have you hiking into overlooked corners of the wild to monitor surviving populations of rare and endangered native plants, and work with landowners to combat threats.

Feb 1, 2023

Are your beloved native plants actually “noxious weeds”?  Too often town or homeowner association officers say yes and invoke anti-weed ordinances to force gardeners back to old-fashioned lawns and foundation plantings.  Listen to attorney and native plants advocate Rosanne Plante tell you how you can fight back,...